Meditations- und Achtsamkeitskurse in Präsenz und Online
About me.
For me, meditation means experiencing silence and space. A space which enables a learning process, understanding and the ability to change. Cultivating the ability to say yes to what makes up this space at this moment, the pleasant and the unpleasant. This gives more freedom to make fresh decisions and become compassionate and touchable for others and my surrounding.
I teach meditation and mindfulness out of my own experience and with an understanding of individual characteristics and needs. There is no standards in meditation which works for everyone, thats why my approach is not so much about the right technique but more about attitude and establishing a healthy relationship towards yourself and your practice.
10 + years of meditation experience and Zen practice
MBSR teacher according to Jon Kabat-Zinn PhD
Two years Training at the Institute for Mindfulness-Based Approaches
Member of the MBSR-MBCT Association
Three years Alexander Technique teacher training
Regular exchange with other teachers and retreats
Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an eight-week program that offers intensive mindfulness training in the context of mindful stress management. MBSR was developed in the late 1970s by Prof. Jon Kabat-Zinn and colleagues at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center and uses a combination of mindfulness meditation, body awareness, yoga and the exploration of patterns of behavior, thinking, feeling and acting. Today, MBSR and derived mindfulness practices are used in a variety of psychological, somatic and social settings, and MBSR is practiced in a variety of contexts to manage and prevent stress, to help people with anxiety, depression and pain, to improve the social climate in group settings, and generally to feel better and more aware. In addition, it is simply a sensibly structured, practical training in mindfulness, meditation and body awareness The many positive effects of meditation and mindfulness on the mind and body have been proven by numerous studies and experience reports. MBSR is one of the most researched mindfulness programs. Theory and practice are linked in the course in such a way that the ability to self-reflect and thus recognize the connections between self-perception, one's own behaviour and the resulting consequences or possibilities is promoted. All exercises and approaches that are taught in the course and practiced together can be carried out independently at home and can be deepened beyond the course and applied in everyday life. "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf them." Jon Kabat-Zinn
I also offer regular meditation courses and sessions which are MBSR-informed, but more oriented towards individual characteristics and needs. It is possible to continue practicing after the course in regular sessions via Zoom and in presence. Previous knowledge is not required.Details and dates by mail/phone.
15 Min.